Broad Street Wrington
Planning Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 19th June, 2007
Mr D W Glynn
Mr M Berkley
Mrs G J Bigg
Mrs J Gallop
Ms E P Irving
Mr G A Matthews
Chairman    Mrs S.L Dunn Morua
Mrs G Moss
Mrs C A Phillips
Mr R L Thorn
Mrs D J Yamanaka
Mr T W Yearsley

   Mrs P. Ledbury

The Chairman opened the Meeting at 18.00 hours.

Declaration of Members Interests – Cllr. Matthews in planning application 07/P/1446/F and Cllr. Glynn in planning application 07/P/1291/F.

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 29th May 2007 were adopted.

Public Participation- nil.

Matters Arising

1- 3 Garstons- a late amendment received which the Parish Council were not privy to. This is not the first time that NSC has made a decision based on amendments to which the PC has not had the opportunity to comment on. Cllr. Glynn to consider the way forward.

2- Insurance cover re defamation- the Clerk is waiting for a response from insurers.

North Somerset Planning Committee Minutes – The Clerk made comment on the fact that Churchill PC had raised an issue for discussion at the next Parish Voice concerning airport car parking at the mushroom farm in Stock Lane. Cllr. Bigg made the point that the policy for BIA car parking covered: BIA, Weston-Super-Mare and where accommodation was being provided.

Planning Certificates issued by North Somerset Council – [see separate table attached] as per pre-meeting list.

Planning Applications

For planning applications and comments see attached sheet.

The Clerk made reference to a copy letter addressed to NSC, received from Mr. D Exell, relating to the planning application number 07/P/1072/F for airport car parking at Gatcombe Farm. Cllr. Glynn has already spoken with Mr. Exell clarifying the background.

The Clerk referred two planning applications numbers 07/P/1456/F & 07/P/1492/F both concerning development of stables on land at Iwood Lane. Whilst not in this Parish the matter had been referred by Congresbury PC on the grounds that the development bordered on the Parish of Wrington. The Clerk was directed to write to NSC along the grounds of access and usage stressing the disappointment in the changing land scene with the removal of hedges and trees.

Brook House- Cllr. Bigg questioned the Chair on the statement that there were inaccuracies on all sides relating to evidence given at the public inquiry. Cllr. Morua said that lessons should be learnt from the inquiry which would help with any future inquiry. Cllr. Yamanaka thanked all those who participated in the inquiry.

Other Planning Issues

1) - Letter from Ms Fortune of Humberts indicating that she has negotiated with Head Office and that a non-illuminated sign will now be installed. The Clerk has already written a letter of thanks for her help and support.

2) - Letter from the Wrington Lawn Tennis Club indicating that they are looking to install new floodlights. The Clerk was directed to ask the Club to let the PC see the planning application before it is submitted. On the question of assistance with VAT the Clerk explained the current situation to the Council and will respond appropriately to the Club.

3) – Appeal re change of use of agricultural land and access track to overflow car park on land accessed off the A38 north of Downside Road. The Council was of the opinion that as its comments were already on file that no further action required.

4) – Pre-planning workshop at BIA- the Clerk indicated that one place available and that the Chairman of the Planning Committee had agreed to attend.

5) – The Clerk reported that the Planning Inspectorate had rejected the Council’s letter of 22nd May on the grounds that it was received after the deadline. Cllr. Glynn has already taken this matter up by e-mail with the Planning Inspectorate and waits a reply. The “PI” letter is dated 9th June which is one day after completion of the inquiry and the Inspector also made reference to the letter at the inquiry and Linden Homes barrister objected to the letter. The Clerk was directed to resubmit the letter to the Planning Inspectorate.

6) – A supplementary planning document Biodiversity and Trees” has been received from NSC

7) – List of NSC South Area Committee dates for the municipal year 2007/08 has been received.

8) – Review of delegation arrangements for planning applications – comments due back to NSC by 30th June and it was agreed that this would be left with Cllr. Glynn and the Clerk.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 19.25 hours.

Mr. D W Glynn
                                                              ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Director of Planning and the Environment
North Somerset Council
Somerset House
Oxford Street
BS23 1TG

20th June 2007

Dear Sir

Application no. 07/P/1446/F - Land at 8 Butts Batch, Wrington

When commenting on the previous application for development on this site, 06/P/1432/F and 07/P/0178/F, the Council objected on the following grounds:

'- drawings are not to scale and misleading

- design is not in keeping with the neighbouring properties

- the application indicates that no trees are to be felled, this is incorrect'

Having considered the revised application we maintain our objection and recommend refusal. We are particularly concerned that the new drawings are still incorrect and very misleading, giving a false impression of the impact on the neighbouring property to the south, 10 Butts Batch, and on the wider street scene. This false impression is created by 10 Butts Batch being shown much smaller than it actually is. We are also concerned about potential access difficulties related to the shared drive and vehicle manoeuvring area. We note that no details are provided of the proposed separating wall.

While objecting to the current proposal, we emphasise that we would not oppose a more appropriate development on this site. However, we recommend that any development should take account of the differing alignments between numbers 8 and 10 Butts Batch, with any new structure more centrally located between the existing properties. There appears to be adequate space available on this site for a new and separate vehicle access to 8 Butts Batch to the extent that any new development should be provided with its own dedicated access.

The current misalignment results in an excessive impact at the rear of neighbouring property, 10 Butts Batch, with some loss of privacy and light. This would be shown more clearly by accurate drawings. Although not an obvious planning issue, the misalignment extends the southwest corner of the proposed development toward the rear of the site to the extent that water and sewage services might well be affected. Water supply to these properties is through a pipeline close to the rear and not from the road.

Finally, we note the inclusion of a false chimney as a design feature. While appreciating that the objective here is to produce a design sympathetic with the neighbouring properties, the Council recommends that any chimney is built as a fully functional unit to allow for possible future use.

Yours faithfully

Terry Yearsley
Clerk to the Council
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Planning Certificates
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Decision
07/P/0883/F ST47632776 Southview Farm
Wrington Hill
T Brean Free range poultry laying house for 12,000 hens APPROVED.Details of drainage, land drainage and landscaping plus materials to be submitted. No work in connection with the development shall take place within 5 metres of Littler Plantation. No vehicular access from Bullhouse Lane. Details of a scheme to demonstrate how potential odour nuisance is to be dealt with
07/P/0889/F Ryding Farm
Silver Street
TR Clements & Son Agricultural Storage and feeding shed. APPROVED subject to a landscaping scheme being submitted and approved on the east and west sides of the building.
07/P/0931/F 3 Garstons
Martin erect wooden fence on SW corner of property length 13ft x 6ft high. APPROVED Considered acceptable and in line with policy H/7 of the Replacement Local Plan
07/P/0959/F Udley Farm
West Hay Rd.,
Burnett Conversion of existing redundant agricultural building into 2 additional self-catering holiday cottages. REFUSED.Out of keeping and harmful to the rural character of the area and contrary to policy RD/3 of the Replacement Local Plan.
Planning Applications
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Comments
07/P/1291/F Appletree House
West Hay Road
Watts 2-storey side extension with front bay windows (revised application following approval of 06/P/2217/f) No comment
07/P/1358/F Lye Hole Farm
Lye Hole Lane
Reid Change of use of agricultural building to residential use in association with farmhouse with alterations to south, east and west elevations. No objection subject to the change of use being linked directly to the owner occupiers of the main house and not for any commercial purpose.
07/P/1384/LB Webbsbrook Cottage
Silver st.,
Jones alteration of external paint colours. No comment
07/P/1417/F Silverridge,
Bridgwater Rd.
Manor Felton Ltd Car parking with vehicle washing and mobile office facilities Object. Totally unsuitable access onto the A38. The only alternative being onto common land which has restricted vehicular access and would not be acceptable due to the environmental damage that would occur.

We understand that there is no current planning permission for use as a caravan site.

07/P/1446/F land at 8 Butts Batch
Elliot Dwelling with ancillary B1 office use. Object. Se;parate letter to follow.
07/P/1454/F Ashley House
Silver Street
Hughes 2nd floor roof extension to create 3rd floor accommodation Object. Considered inappropriate development in this location. The raising of the roof would impinge on the row of attached houses to the north. We consider the development creates a disproportionate design to the Georgian original.
07/P/1455/F 1 Hailstone Cottage
Johnson 2-storey side extension No comment


Summer Barton
Ropers Lane


replace softwood windows with upvc

On policy grounds we would prefer that NSC enforces issued guidelines on replacement windows in the Conservation Area. In this particular case there is also a need to match with the other properties in the shared courtyard.

No planning application form has been submitted for the proposed single-storey extension.