Broad Street Wrington Web Archive
Village of the Year - judges' visit 
Monday, 21st October, 2002
Having progressed through the initial round, the village represented Avonside - the former Avon area - in the round for choosing a south-west winner.               

Judges visited on Monday, 21st October, and met members of the parish council and other villagers in the Reading Room for a briefing using displays including a video of the pageant.
The briefing was followed by a guided tour which took in the cyber room, and the council committee room which it's hoped will be equipped as a continuing education room ....
... plans were described for improving the Memorial Hall car park ...
... and the interior of the hall.

They saw the achievements brought about at the pavilion ...

... and the all-weather bowling rink ...
... leaving the party with much (we hope) to think about as they prepared to leave for the next village on their list.