Broad Street Wrington Recalled
by Mark Bullen

Introduction to his book by Mark Bullen

published by him 1999 at £3.00 in aid of the British Heart Foundation 

For further details e-mail:

This booklet does not claim to be a history of Wrington. Such a work would certainly be beyond the scope of what I wanted to achieve, which was to give readers a brief glimpse of some of the people and events that have made the village what it is today.

Whenever possible I have used original research material and combined it with a smattering of reminiscences from people who have lived here for many decades. Some of my inspiration has come from the excellent Wrington Village Map, published in 1991 - the year I came to the village.

The other major published work about Wrington is a booklet written in the 1960s by a local history group under the auspices of the University of Bristol.

That was a worthy piece of research and I have not tried to emulate its academic approach. I have deliberately attempted not to repeat any material in that book, but there is inevitably a very small degree of overlap.

I have adopted a thematic approach and offer a broad selection of material. However, in a work of this size I admit to scraping the surface of the subjects and each of them could be researched more thoroughly. Some people may indeed be inspired to take things further. 

I have tried to work at a level of detail which readers would find both digestible and enjoyable. This means that I may have got some things wrong and for that I apologise.
This book is aimed just as much at relative newcomers like myself as Wringtonians. I hope that what I have written will stimulate a lively interest in our village and will serve as a suitable memento to celebrate the new millennium.