Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
 Planning Committee Minutes
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke Room on Tuesday 19 November 2013

Present: Mr B Taylor (Chairman) Mr D Glynn
Mrs P Ledbury Mr P Robinson
Mrs L Howells Ms J Bishop (Assistant Clerk)


1 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Rawlins, Cllr Yamanaka and Cllr Bigg.

2 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Howells declared a personal interest in relation to application 13/P/2022/F (The Surgery, Station Road, Wrington, BS40 5NG) as she sits on the steering group of the Wrington Community Group and Cllr Glynn declared a personal interest in relation to application 13/P/2025/F (Udley Cottage, West Hay Road, Wrington, BS40 5NR) as the applicant owns the land behind Cllr Glynn’s house.

3 Public Participation

Mr & Mrs Wilson, Mr & Mrs Parsons and Mr J Gowar attended to hear the Committee’s discussion on application 13/P/2022/F (The Surgery, Station Road, Wrington, BS40 5NG). Mrs Wilson raised the following:-

· Access through the site and to the Glebe Field – the public were informed that the existing rights of way and access were maintained in the application. It was also reported that NSC had agreed to consider the application for a Definitive Map Modification Order (for a Byway Open to All Traffic) out of sequence, meaning it would be decided next year.

· Community use for the existing building and whether the building had been actively marketed.

· Whether there would need to be a Change of Use planning application as the current building is classified as D1 (health).

The Chairman offered to bring forward item 7 (Planning Applications) in the Agenda.

Planning Applications

A list of planning applications had been circulated prior to the meeting.

Application 13/P/2022/F - The Surgery, Station Road, Wrington, BS40 5NG

After discussion it was agreed that the Council objected to the development for the following reasons:-

· The 4 bedroom dwelling is overly large for the proposed location and will have neighbour impact on adjoining properties and their gardens, and therefore, does not comply with NSC’s Residential Design Guide. There is also concern about how the roots of trees in the adjoining properties would be protected.

· The Design & Access Statement says the building is “redundant” and that the applicant “has made extensive investigations into finding an alternative community”. However, no evidence of this has been produced. The application form also states that the building is unsuitable for conversion but, again, no evidence has been provided to substantiate this statement. Furthermore, it is believed the applicant has agreed to meet a local community group which is interested in acquiring the building.

· There is a well documented history of flooding in The Glebe and surrounding areas. Unfortunately the flood risk area map used in the Design & Access Statement is out of date, with the Environment Agency’s current map showing the risk being nearer to the site. Surface water drainage is stated as being by soakaways but, where this is then directed to, is unclear. The applicant suggests that no flood risk assessment is required but, as the detached house will increase the built footprint on the site putting more pressure on the existing system, a risk assessment should be undertaken. Therefore, the Council would like to suggest that no development should be approved until the details of NSC’s Wrington Flood Relief Scheme have been finalised.

· Bats Scoping Survey & Bird Survey contains inaccuracies, for example, the site is clearly not within a “town centre” and is connected to known foraging habitat. It was also felt that the report has been conducted out of season so the Council would like to recommend that no demolition is allowed until another survey is conducted at an appropriate time.

· There are discrepancies between the Tree Report, the Design & Access Statement and the site plan in relation to whether trees will be felled. The Council believes the trees on site have public amenity value and, furthermore, the Glebe Field (adjacent to the site) is a designated Local Green Space so tree felling should be minimised. The Council also has concerns about how the trees will be protected during building work.

· The Heritage Statement contains inaccuracies, stating that the building was erected in the 1970s and “is of low architectural merit and does not contribute to the Conservation Area”. However the building was actually built in 1991 and was specifically designed to be in keeping with the Conservation Area and the local street scene.

· Finally, the Council would like to point out that there is currently an application relating to a claimed Right of Way through part of the site which is to be decided in 2014.

Members of the Public left the meeting.

Application 13/P/2024/F - Rosewood, Ropers Lane, Wrington, BS40 5NF
It was agreed the Council had no objection to the proposed development, subject to the extension complying with NSC’s Residential Design Guide.

Application 13/P/2025/F - Udley Cottage, West Hay Road, Wrington, BS40 5NR
As Councillors felt this appeared to be a resubmission of previous applications (10/P/1491/F and 12/P/2165/F), it was agreed to resubmit the previous comment.

Application 13/P/2070/F - Lowood, Ropers Lane, Wrington, BS40 5NF
It was agreed the Council objected to this application. The proposed extension is excessively large and out of character, changing the roof line and proportions of the existing building. Therefore, the application does not comply with NSC’s Residential Design Guide.

Application 13/P/2145/F - Redhill Village Hall, Church Road, Redhill, BS40 5SG
It was agreed the Council had no comment to make on this application.

4 Minutes of the previous meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held 29 October 2013 were reviewed and adopted as a true record.

Matters arising:

· Enforcement Report (circulated by NSC 7 October 2013)
It was reported that the Assistant Clerk had contacted NSC for an update. In relation to Enforcement Case No 2010/0029 (13 Ashford Road, Redhill), NSC’s response that no further action would be taken was noted. It was agreed to contact NSC again about other outstanding issues.

5 NSC Central Area Planning Committee
The Minutes of the meeting held 12 September 2013 were reviewed together with the agenda for the meeting held 7 November 2013. The Committee’s comments relating to the Bristol section of the South Bristol link (13/P/3108/F) were noted.

6 Decision Notices issued by NSC

A list of Decision Notices had been circulated prior to the meeting and these were noted. In summary:-

· 13/P/1674/F - 78 The Glebe, Wrington, BS40 5LX – Approved.

· 13/P/1707/F - 14 Rickyard Road, Wrington, BS40 5RR – Approved.

· 13/P/1710/F - Plot 11, Lawders Orchard, Silver Street, Wrington, BS40 5QL – Approved.

· 13/P/1821/WT – Piercehay, Bullhouse Lane, Wrington, BS40 5NY – Approved.

· 13/P/1940/WT - Priory House, Station Road, Wrington, BS40 5LG – Approved.

· 13/P/1961/TPO - West Hay, West Hay Road, Wrington, BS40 5NP – Approved.

· 13/P/1970/F - 8 Old Station Close Wrington, BS40 5LY – Approved.

7 Planning Applications
Please see Agenda item 3 (Public Participation).

8 Other Planning Issues

· NSC Consultation on draft Residential Design Guide – Section 2 –Appearance and character of house extensions and alterations. Deadline for comments Monday 25 November 2013.

It was agreed the Council had no issues to raise and should contact NSC complementing them on a concise and well written guide.

· NSC Consultation on Draft Junction 21 Enterprise Area Local Development Order (LDO)
Deadline for comments 29 November 2013.

It was agreed the consultation was not relevant to Wrington and no response was required.

The Meeting was closed at 7.20pm.
