Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council, Planning Committee
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 18th August, 2009
1 Apologies:
Mrs J. Gallop, Chairman
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Ms E. P. Irving
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mr P. Robinson
Mrs C. Turton
Ms G. Wilson, Clerk
Mr P. Ellis
Mr D. W. Glynn
Mrs G. Moss
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka

In attendance:

The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.00 pm.

2. Declarations of Interest: Cllr Gallop declared an interest in the application for Cinderford Cottage, as the applicant is a former colleague.

3. Public Participation

There were no members of the public present.

4. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 28th July were reviewed and signed as a correct record.

Matters arising: BIA application – it was confirmed that individual councillors’ points were to be circulated prior to the special meeting on 24th July to save time at the meeting.

5. NSC South Area Planning Committee

The report of the meeting held 12th August was reviewed, and items relating to Wrington Parish were noted.

6. Decisions Notices issued by NSC

08/P/0874/F – Richards Store, Broad Street, Wrington: refused, on grounds of non-compliance with policies GDP/1, H/1 and H/7 of the North Somerset Replacement Local Plan; also inadequate parking and increased noise and disturbance to nearby residents.

It was noted that the following application had been withdrawn:

09/P/0909/F – The Garage House, High Street, Wrington – replacement of ground floor windows and entrance door on west elevation.

Notice of appeal: Ashdale, Downside Road – erection of 4 holiday chalets. It was noted that the Decision Notice for this application had never been received from NSC. Refusal had been on grounds of inappropriate development in the Green Belt. It was agreed not to submit any further comments to the planning inspector.

7. Planning Applications

09/P1182/F Cinderford Cottage, Ropers Lane, Wrington: erection of two storey dwelling with office/workroom. It was noted that a previous application for the same property had been refused in 2008 and also turned down on appeal. Although it was agreed that some attempt had been made to reduce the effect on the neighbouring property by not including a verandah, as previously planned, it was however felt that the comments submitted on the earlier application were still valid. It was therefore agreed to object to the application and re-submit the previous comments.

09/P/1197/F and 09/P/1198/F – The Plough Inn, High Street, Wrington: demolition of existing extensions and erection of new rear extension. It was felt that the proposal would be likely to result in an improvement to the property, and it was therefore agreed to make no comment on these application.

09/P/1158/ADV – Corner Pool, A38 New Road – display of non-illuminated free-standing sign: it was noted that this application referred to three signs in total, two of which are located in Winford Parish, and one in Wrington, and that the signs were already in existence. Members commented that the signs were not of very good quality, and needed to be more in keeping with the venue to which they refer. There was no objection in principle to the signs.

09/P/1273/HZ2 - Bristol International Airport: hazardous substance consent for existing aviation fuel storage installation. It was understood that this application has been withdrawn.

8. Other Planning Issues

a. Richards Garage, Broad Street, Wrington: development of nine retirement dwellings. A letter had been received from a local resident querying the position regarding a potential Section 106 agreement. The developers had originally stated that they would be submitting a draft Section 106 agreement, proposing contributions towards amenities in Wrington. No further information had been received in relation to this, although the Parish Council had welcomed the proposal at the time. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the planning officer at NSC who had dealt with the application.

b. The Chairman read out a letter from the Parish Councils Airport Association stating that it had come to the PCAA’s notice that the Regional Spatial Strategy, although not yet adopted, may already carry considerable weight in determining planning applications. It was agreed that a letter should be written to the relevant members of NSC to object to this, and to ensure that planning applications are determined only by reference to the North Somerset Replacement Local Plan 2007.

c. The presence of an unauthorised sign for ‘Wrington Greens’ adjacent to the A38 had been noted. The Clerk will bring this to the attention of the Enforcement section at NSC.

The meeting was closed at 6.55 pm.

Mrs. J. Gallop