Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council, Planning Committee
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 16th June, 2009
1 Apologies:
Mr R. L. Thorn, Chairman
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Ms E. P. Irving
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs G. Moss
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Ms G. Wilson, Clerk
Mr P. Ellis
Mrs J. Gallop
Mr D. W. Glynn
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mrs C. Turton

In attendance:

The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.00 pm.

2. Declarations of Interest: none on known agenda items.

3. Public Participation: none.

4. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 26th May were reviewed and signed as a correct record.

5. NSC South Area Planning Committee

It was noted that the application by First Homes UK in relation to Rickyard Road would be considered at the meeting on 17th June. Cllr Thorn said he had been contacted by Steve Carey of First Home UK to check what the current attitude of the Parish Council was, in view of the intention of Cllr Bigg to speak at the meeting. Cllr Thorn had explained that Cllr Bigg would be attending the meeting as an individual, with the support of but not as a representative of the Parish Council. Cllr Irving asked whether anything helpful had resulted from the walk up the stream on 29th May. It was felt that nothing dramatic had been found, but there were a number of springs in the area, and the considerable size of the holding ponds had been noted. Cllr Yamanaka said that she intended to ask for a site meeting at Rickyard Road, to involve the Parish Council and local residents.

6. Decisions Notices issued by NSC

The following decision notices had been received and circulated prior to the meeting:

09/P/0291/F - Land at Brockley Wood, Brockley Combe: fully enclosed composting facility. Refused – inappropriate development in Green Belt.

09/P/0051/F - Land adjoining 10 Old Station Close, Wrington: erection of a detached dwelling with B1 work unit with access of Old Station Close - approved, with conditions.

7. Planning Applications

09/P/0849/F - 5 Ashford Road, Redhill: Erection of a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. It was agreed that although there was no objection in principle to the application, the potential for maintenance problems due to the proximity to neighbouring buildings should be queried.

09/P/0858/F- Woodmans Cottage, Simshill Wood, off Westhay Road, Wrington: Erection of single storey extensions to north-east and south-west elevations of forestry worker’s dwelling. Concern was expressed about the status of the property, as it was believed to be a ‘tied’ cottage for occupation only by a forestry worker. It was felt important to clarify that this condition remains in place, as the Parish Council would otherwise wish to object to the development due to its location in Green Belt. It was agreed that the Clerk would ask for clarification from the planning officer prior to any comments being submitted.

09/P/0909/F - The Garage House, High Street, Wrington - replacement of 2no ground floor windows and entrance door on west elevation. It was agreed that there was no objection in principle to this application. However, it was agreed to make the following observations about the design of the windows: due to the location in the Conservation Area the Parish Council would prefer to see a similar design to the existing windows, with the use of a Georgian section rather than a flat section for the window frames; the Parish Council would also prefer a paint finish rather than varnish.

Notice of Appeal

APP/D0121/C/09/2102939 – Land at Silveridge/The Paddock, Bridgwater Road, Lulsgate BS40 9UR. Appellant: G L Wedlake & Manor Felton Ltd.

It was noted that North Somerset Council have received notification of the above appeal against an enforcement notice which has been issued following an alleged breach of planning control. The Parish Council had been invited to make comments on this appeal. Due to the short notice, the Clerk reported that, in consultation with Cllr Thorn as Chair of the Planning Committee, the previous comments of the Parish Council in January 2009 were submitted, and these were read out.

8. Other Planning Issues

a. Brook House: the Chairman read out a letter from NSC inviting the Parish Council to submit views on the question of a Section 106 agreement in relation to this development. There was discussion as to what might be considered a proportional sum to be devoted to a Section 106 agreement, and it was agreed that the Clerk would ask the planning officer for guidance on this.

The question of flood prevention work was debated. It was generally felt that any work to obviate flooding problems at the site itself should be taken for granted as part of the development. However, the possibility of a contribution to flood prevention works elsewhere in the village might be requested. It was agreed to initially request the provision of a footway along Silver Street, from the pedestrian entrance to the site to join up with the existing pavement to the west of the bridge.

b. Richards Garage: concern was expressed about the demolition work being carried out at the site, and the disruption and potential danger resulting from large skips and vehicles entering and exiting the site. The Clerk is to raise this with the Enforcement Officer.

c. Core Strategy: Cllr Bigg expressed the view that there was nothing useful that could be added at present. She believed that a recent ruling in the High Court could have an effect on the Regional Spatial Strategy. The ruling concerned areas in Hertfordshire which had been earmarked for thousands of new homes, where the judge had concluded that inadequate consideration had been given to the environmental effects of expansion, and that alternatives to erosion of the Green Belt should be considered.

d. BIA expansion: Cllr Bigg reported that the BIA planning application had just been submitted, and suggested that the Parish Council would need to hold a meeting devoted to consideration of this, due to the size and nature of the application and its associated documentation.

10. Appointment of Chair for 7th July meeting

Cllr Gallop will chair the meeting, if she is available. If not, Cllr Bigg agreed to chair the meeting.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.30 pm.

Mr. R.L. Thorn