Broad Street Wrington
Planning Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 5th August, 2008
1 Apologies:
Mr D. W. Glynn, Chairman
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mrs J. Gallop
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs S.L. Dunn Morua
Mr R. L. Thorn
Ms G. Wilson, Clerk
Ms E. P. Irving
Mr P.Ellis
Mrs G. Moss
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka

In attendance:

2. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Gallop and Cllr Ledbury in relation to The Piggery.

3. Public Participation

4. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 15th July were reviewed and signed as a correct record.

5. Matters arising

The Clerk reported that a copy of the regulations regarding replacement windows in the Conservation Area was still awaited from NSC, but she had been told by the officer concerned that it would arrive within the next few days.

It was noted that Cllr Gallop and Cllr Dunn Morua would be visiting the composting plant operated by New Earth Solutions in Poole on 14th August, and would report their observations back to the Council.

6. NSC South Area Planning Committee

The papers for the meeting to be held on 13th August had not yet been received.

7. Decisions Notices issued by NSC

These were reviewed. It was noted that the application for the installation of a wind turbine by Fountain Timber Products had been refused on the grounds that the site lies within the protection zone of the North Somerset and Mendip Bats Special Area of Conservation and close to the Special Area of Conservation. It was also noted that the application for prior determination for replacement barn and alternative bat roost at Barley Farm will now need to be submitted as a full planning application.

8. Planning Applications

08/P/1538/F – Silver Ridge, Bridgwater Road, Lulsgate Bottom (also known as The Forge): Change of use from agriculture to surface car parking with the siting of a mobile office (retrospective). It was agreed to object to this application on the ground that as it is believed that the site is used for airport car parking this is contrary to Policy T/12 of the North Somerset Replacement Local Plan which defines the circumstances under which airport-related car parking can be permitted. In addition, access to the A38 from the site is likely to contribute to congestion. Cllr Bigg agreed to send the Clerk further details of the relevant policies to include in the comments to NSC.

08/P/1547/F – The Piggery, Westward Close, Wrington: change of use from agricultural building to timber workshop with storage of logs, building materials and ancillary equipment (retrospective). It was agreed to make no comment on this application.

08/P/1574/F – 2 Oatlands, Wrington Hill, Wrington: erection of a rear conservatory. It was agreed to make no comment on this application.

08/P/1590/F – 15 Alburys, Wrington: erection of extension to existing garage. It was agreed to make no comment on this application.

08/P/1606/F – The Old Mill, Beam Bridge, Wrington: Construction of new fire escape and decking/access steps and single storey side extension creating boot room; erection of canopy to West, South and North elevations; alteration to roof; alterations to various windows and doors. It was agreed to make no comment on this application.

08/P/1609/TPO – Grace Cottage, Church Road, Redhill: Horse Chestnut x 1 – fell.

On the basis of the survey carried out, it was agreed that there is no objection to felling, subject to a requirement for replanting.

08/P/1642/F – Coombe Bungalow, Downside Road, Downside, Wrington: demolition of existing bungalow and erection of replacement dwelling. It was agreed that there is no objection in principle to the proposed development of a replacement building on this site. However, reading of the drawings suggests that the proposed dwelling is both higher and has a slightly larger footprint than the existing dwelling, in contrast to the advice provided to the developer by North Somerset Council, and it was therefore agreed to comment on this aspect of the application.

08/P/1290/F – Cinderford Cottage, Ropers Lane, Wrington: pre-decision amendment for comment. The proposed garage and work unit has been redesigned as a single-storey building. It was agreed to comment that the proposed amendment in no way ameliorates the previous objections to this development.

9. Other Planning Issues

a. Richards Garage – 08/P/1152/F: the Chairman explained that amendments to the original application have been submitted, which include a footway alongside the shop, and the demolition of the petrol pumps. The Parish Council will need to review the drawings, and the Clerk will obtain these for consideration at the next meeting.

b. The Clerk stated that the attention of the Enforcement team at NSC had been drawn to the number of cars parked at Worship Farm, querying whether this is in fact airport-related parking.

c. Gatcombe Farm – a copy of the draft submission to NSC by CMS Bath Ltd had been received, and had been reviewed by the Chairman. It was agreed that a number of issues arise out of this document, such as water supply, power supply, disposal of sewage, use of work units, storage for fuel, management of the woodland, etc. It was agreed to make no specific comment either for or against the proposal at the moment, but to ask for further information on the issues identified. It was therefore agreed that Cllr Glynn would produce a list of queries to be sent to CMS Bath Ltd for comment.

d. Tumbling Weir – drawings for an application for a new fence (or wall) are expected to be available for consideration at the next meeting.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.45 pm.

Mr. D W Glynn