Broad Street Wrington
Planning Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 18th July, 2006

Mr D W Glynn
Mrs G J Bigg
Mr T R Clements
Mrs J Gallop
 Ms E P Irving
Chairman    Mr G A Matthews
Mrs G Moss
Mr R L Thorn
Mrs D J Yamanaka
     Mrs A Atkins,
Mrs C A Phillips
Mr T W Yearsley

The Chairman opened the Meeting at 18.00 hours.

2. Declaration of Members’ Interests – none.

3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th June 2006 were adopted subject to amendments; Under item 5, for ‘pallette’ read ‘pallet’ and for ‘ides’ read ‘ideas’.

Referring to the Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th June 2006, adopted on 27th June, for the record it was noted that the meeting was held in the Memorial Hall and not the John Locke room.

4. Matters Arising – The Chairman, having himself now read the High Court judgment referred to in re Gatcombe Farm, believed it may not be as cut-and-dried as had been implied.

5. Public Participation – nil

6. North Somerset Planning Committee Minutes – Noted the award of a grant of £1,500 for work on the Memorial Hall, with thanks to Cllr Yamanaka and South Area for making this funding available.

The Chairman reviewed the current status of applications and enforcements affecting Wrington.

Planning Certificates issued by North Somerset Council – [see separate table attached] as per pre-meeting report.

Planning Applications

For planning applications and comments see attached sheet.

Other Planning Issues
Consultations The paper drafted by Cllr Matthews and amended by Cllr Glynn, commenting on proposed changes to the RLP, was approved subject to one further amendment (para d: remove “illegal parking of around 700 cars at the Gatcombe Farm site on West Hay Road and the associated” replace with “increasing”), for consideration and final approval by the Council on Friday, 21st July.

Mirrors Cllr Bigg drew attention to the addition of 2 mirrors on the building known as Parsley’s warehouse, fronting Station Road near the junction with Broad Street. They were regarded as affording a valuable addition to traffic safety but, being in the conservation area, it was agreed that, to avoid inconsistency, Cllr Glynn would check with NSC.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 19.20 hours.

Mr. D W Glynn

Planning Certificates
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Decision
06/P/1006/F Land adjacent 3 Church View, Felton Smithies Conversion and change of use of existing kennel and workshop building to provide a new dwelling including single garage. Approved- prior to the first use the existing access to 1 Church View from the common shall be blocked off. New wall to be permanently retained. Bat survey of the building with any recommendations must be prepared by a suitably qualified consultant and approved by the LPA. No part of the accommodation shall be used for paying guests without the prior written approval of the LPA.
06/P/1115/F Tumbling Weir, Havyatt Rd., Wrington Forte Change of use and conversion of existing outbuilding to an office. Withdrawn
06/P/1611/T2 Albury House, High street Maitland Beech- fell dead tree 5-day notice. Certificate and application received concurrently
Planning Applications
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Comments
06/P/1546/PA1 Stone Farm BIA Car wash facilities The Council queries whether this proposal falls into the category of permitted operational development (PAI), see para 9.132A, RLP Inspector’s Final Report: “.... other built development not constituting an ‘operational building’ will require planning permission. In consideration of such proposals the full range of potential impacts on the environment and residential amenity will be assessed, including .… highway and landscape issues”. In accordance with this statement, we would treat this as an application for full planning permission and Object on grounds of it being i) within the curtilage of a Listed Building, ii) a temporary structure, iii) not an appropriate design in the Green Belt, iv) likely to generate extra traffic.

If NSC were minded not to be guided by para 9.132A (above) or our recommendation and approve the application, then its use should be restricted solely to rental hire cars, with no public access or use allowed

06/P/1638/F The Rectory, 5 Redcroft, Redhill Diocese of Bat & Wells Garage and car port No comment.

Note: the address is ‘The Parsonage .. &c’ not ‘The Rectory .. &c’




Silver zone- external canopy shelter

The Council Objects on grounds that the canopy is: i) too high overall, ii) unfit for purpose of weather protection due to its height, iii) visible from Mendip Hills AONB, iv) an inappropriate colour in the Green Belt. We also question the validity of this being considered as permitted development. See para 9.132A, as above.