Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke Room on Wednesday 20 November 2013

Present: Mr D Glynn (Chairman) Mrs P Ledbury
Mr P Robinson Mrs G Bigg
Mr B Taylor Mrs L Howells
Mrs F Burke (Clerk)

In attendance: Tom Howells, Becky Filer, Shannon Filer and Jake Lewis (Avon Youth Association Bus users), Mr George Lankester


1. To receive apologies from Members for non-attendance.

Apologies were received from Cllr Rawlins (illness), Cllr D Yamanaka (prior commitment) and Philippa Penney, NSC Liaison.

2. To receive Members’ declarations of interests on known agenda matters and any amendments to the register of interests.

Cllr Howells in her role as Secretary of Wrington Sports and Social Club.

3. To confirm and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held 16 October 2013.

The minutes were approved and signed as a true record.

4. To adjourn the meeting for Public Participation:

Tom Howells and Jake Lewis addressed the Council about the Avon Youth Bus, with Becky and Shannon Filer speaking in support. They gave a brief outline of what services are currently available to them on the bus. They reported that they find the bus to be of great value to them as a place to go and would very much like the service to continue. The Chairman thanked them for attending and they left the room.

5. To receive a report from the Police representative.
No police report had been received.

6. Mr George Lankester to address the Council in relation to co-option.

Mr Lankester spoke to the Council about his reasons for wishing to be co-opted on to the Council. He was then asked to leave the room while the matter was considered.

7. To consider the co-option to the Parish Council of Mr George Lankester.
Councillors discussed the application and proposal to co-opt Mr Lankester.

Resolved: To co-opt Mr George Lankester on to the Council.

George Lankester then returned to the room, signed his Declaration of Office and Members welcomed him to the Council.

The meeting was reconvened.

8. To note items of correspondence received and requiring possible action:

· Letter from Peter Bryant, NSC Executive Member for Environment, concerning a review of town and parish council dog bin emptying arrangements.

It was agreed to defer discussion of this until the NSC dog bin survey had been completed and full confirmation of future charge increases been given. The Clerk would contact Philippa Penney, NSC Parish Liaison Officer concerning the statutory obligations, if any, that the District Council has in relation to the emptying of dog bins.

· Email from Kevin Carlton, NSC S106 Project Officer, inviting the Council to submit requests for summer annual flowers for 2014 as well as Flanders Poppy seed to mark the centenary of the outbreak of WW1. Deadline for applications 31 December.

Resolved: To submit a request for summer flowers and poppy seeds and to ask for a similar number of flowers to those received last year.

It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the school to confirm their interest in both the flowers and poppy seeds.

· Letter from Elaine Bowman, NSC Senior Access Officer, advising of a PROW Sub- Committee meeting to be held 19 November 2013 at which consideration will be given to taking the Definitive Map Modification Order application relating to the former Wrington Surgery out of sequence.

This was noted.

· Email from Rebecca Frost, Redhill resident, concerning the poor condition of the play area adjacent to Redhill Village Hall.

Resolved: To contact Redhill Hall about the play equipment and to make enquiries as to whether the Council might offer advice about maintenance and regular inspection.

9. To note other correspondence received.

· Email from Rhiannon Jones, NSC Policy and Partnerships Development Officer, advising that town and parish councils are now able to submit proposals for local schemes under the Sustainable Communities Act. This was noted.

· Letter from Vision North Somerset thanking the Council for their donation of £100. This was noted.

· Letter from Medcentres plc, dated 30 October 2013, advising of correspondence relating to the former Wrington Surgery, Station Road. This was noted.

· Briefing note received from the Environment Agency, concerning an ‘Update on odour issues at Lye Hole Piggery’, October 2013. This was noted.

10. To receive the Clerk’s report.
This was received.

Streetlights in Broad Street

Cllr Robinson queried the switching for the Broad Street lights which are currently on for 24 hours and asked if it would be possible to install one part-night photocell to control all these lights when the fault is corrected. The Clerk agreed to contact SSE about this.

11. To receive the Finance Report, including payments recommended for approval.
Copies of the report circulated separately.

Cllr Rawlins - reimbursement for purchases made:- gravel for Alburys/Ladywell footpath as per Parish Council Meeting 16th October 2013, Minute item 13 (£60.92) and sand for emergency sandbags as per Parish Council Meeting19th December 2012, Minute item 12 (£26.04) £86.96

Avon Youth Association – Youth Bus, 5 sessions (July-September) £1,000.00
Avon Youth Association – Youth Bus, 5 sessions (October-December) £1,000.00
North Somerset Council – Dog bin emptying, October 2013 £124.80
Southern Electric – Broad Street toilets, electricity for July-September (paid) £47.18
Jayne Hitchborn – cleaning of toilets, October and cleaning materials (paid) £209.98
Wrington Electrical Services (M Sanders) - Broad Street toilets, repairs to outside lighting (paid) £105.00
Village Orderly’s salary November - to be calculated
Clerk’s salary November - to be calculated
Assistant Clerk’s salary November - to be calculated
Assistant Clerk – topping up of petty cash following purchases made (stamps) £19.20

Resolved: To approve the payments as recommended.
Cllr Bigg proposed approval, Cllr Taylor seconded.

12. To receive and consider reports from:

a. District Councillor, Cllr Yamanaka
This was received.

b. WVMP report, Cllr Robinson.
No report had been received.

c. Sports & Social Club, Cllr Howells.
No report had been received as no meeting had taken place in the last month.

d. Twinning Association, Cllr Rawlins
No report had been received.

13. To receive and consider reports from Council Working Groups:

a. Finance, Cllr Rawlins. No report had been received due to illness.
b. Environment, Cllr Bigg. No report had been received.
c. Highways, Cllr Ledbury. No report had been received. Cllr Ledbury reported that a Highways meeting would be taking place on 28 November, 6pm.

14. To consider and approve the following recommendations from the Finance working group:

a. To agree to donate £100 to the Wrington Friendship club for their Christmas lunch, party and costs incurred in providing ongoing services to residents.
Resolved: To agree to this recommendation.

b. To agree to provide £150 funding as requested by the Wrington Dickensian Fair Committee for the purchase, erection and lighting of the Christmas Tree on the Village Green.
Resolved: To agree to this recommendation.

c. To agree to proceed with the next phase of the column mounted street light replacement programme, with quotes to be obtained for the installation of ten new lights together with the three bracket mounted lights identified by SSE for priority replacement.
Resolved: The Clerk to request quotes from SSE for these lights and to go back to the Finance group when these are received.

15. To approve the internal audit, as reviewed and recommended by the Finance Working Group.
Cllr Rawlins had been unable to write the notes from the last finance group meeting where the internal audit had been discussed due to illness.
Resolved: To defer approval of the internal audit until the next meeting.

16. To reaffirm the Council's support for the proposal to install safer facilities for pedestrians crossing the A38 at Cowslip Green, with this for the benefit of local residents, visitors and walkers, and to advise the Bristol Airport Community Fund Committee accordingly.
Resolved: To reconfirm the Council’s support for this proposal.

17. To note the resources currently available to the Council for maintaining the open areas and other facilities in the parish and to consider what changes might be made in the best interests of the community.

Resolved: The Council noted this and agreed that the issue should be considered at the next Finance group meeting.

18. Memorial Hall – to consider requests to serve alcohol as follows:

· Lucy Burnett, Lawrence Road – to sell alcohol at a charity horse racing event to be held on Saturday 30 November 2013.

· Maggie Williams, on behalf of the Gardening Club – to serve alcohol at their December meeting to be held on Thursday 19 December 2013.

· The Mendip Morris Men- to sell alcohol at their annual event on Friday 20 December 2013.

· Lisa Lipman, School Road – to serve alcohol at a family celebration to be held on Saturday15 February 2014.

Resolved: To agree to all of the above requests.

19. Consultations:

· Bristol Airport Draft Noise Action Plan 2013 to 2018. Closing date for comments 20 December. See: for further information.

It was agreed that this should be included on the agenda for the next meeting of the Council. The Chair requested that Members look at the consultation and report back if they have comments they wish to raise.

20. Items raised by Members for information and for possible consideration at the next meeting to be held Wednesday 18 December 2013.

· Cllr Bigg informed Members about a forthcoming ‘People and Communities Strategy’ consultation and will provide further information to the Clerk.

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 9.15pm.
