Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 28th October, 2011


1. Apologies:
Mr D. W. Glynn, Chair
Mrs C. Turton, (Vice-Chair)
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr N. Finch
Mr O. Hollingdale
Mrs L. Howells
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mr J. Rawlins
Mr P. Robinson
Mr B. Taylor
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Mrs F. Burke, Clerk

In attendance: Mr Mark MacGregor (Parish Liaison Officer, NSC)
2. To receive Members’ declarations of interests on known agenda matters and any amendments to the register of interests.

Cllr Hollingdale and Cllr Finch both declared an interest concerning agenda item 14 in relation to the Sports Social club, as they are members.

Cllr Taylor declared an interest as Secretary of the Allotment Association with relation to agenda item 12c.

3. To confirm and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held 24th August 2011.

The minutes were reviewed and signed as a correct record.

4. To adjourn the meeting for Public Participation.
No members of the public were present.

5. To receive a report from the Police representative

No Police representative was present at the meeting. The Clerk read out a brief set of figures that had been sent via email by PCSO Mayo due to a technical problem PCSO Mayo had experienced in accessing the usual report.

6. To note items of correspondence received and requiring action:

· Email from Mrs Irene Bullock requesting a new grit bin at the top of Winters Lane as the original one, intended for possible relocation further up the lane, has been destroyed.

Resolved: Clerk to contact Mrs Bullock informing her that the PC are currently investigating the damage to the bin and will be discussing possible ways of funding one or more new bins with businesses in Winters Lane. It was also agreed to discuss the future installation of grit bins and Council policies on these at the next Highways and Finance working groups.

· Email from Wrington Pharmacy enquiring about directional signage to the Pharmacy for possible erection on the corner opposite Amors and opposite the Pharmacy.

Resolved: Cllr Ledbury to speak to the owner of the Pharmacy to obtain feedback as to why they feel the signs are necessary.

· Email from Mrs Isobel Mills requesting more dog bins in Wrington.

Resolved: The Clerk to respond to Mrs Mills explaining that the Rec is a Community space and has a NSC a ‘dogs on leads’ control order on it for this reason. Also, the Council is not minded to increase the number of dog bins in the Parish at the moment but has taken note of the comments concerning the Cocker Spaniels loose on the Rec and will be contacting the owner about this issue.

· Letter from Mr Peter Jones concerning the reporting of road and footpath defects to NSC.

Cllr Robinson raised the issue of his wife suffering from injuries after falling over in the Triangle last year.

Resolved: Clerk to contact ALCA for advice on road and footway condition issues.
Also, to improve transparency, the Clerk will investigate the possibility of posting a report of live highways issues on the Wrington website.

· Letter from NSC concerning a review of the Members’ Allowances Scheme, with comments requested by end-October 2011. This was noted, any issues to be considered at the next Finance Group meeting.

7. To note other items of correspondence received, copies circulated:

· Letter from CPRE informing the Council that Wrington has been placed first in the Large Village category, North Somerset Village of the Year 2011.

Resolved: Clerk to write to CPRE confirming the Council would like the award to be presented at the December Council meeting. To write to Echo Irving thanking her for her work towards this year’s entry.

· CPRE’s ‘new look’ newsletter and Membership participation survey. This was noted.

8. To receive the Clerk’s report

Mark MacGregor suggested that Fay Powell, NSC Area Officer, should undertake a walk about with Councillors to enable Councillors to gain a clearer understanding of what the criteria NSC uses for dealing with streets and open spaces issues. Mark MacGregor to confirm this.

Wrington signs – Mark MacGregor to progress this issue as a matter of urgency, in particular the sign on Butts Batch which has been removed from the ground.

The Old Quarry - Mark MacGregor to talk to John Carson, NSC concerning the bags of waste to be collected from the Old Quarry.

9. To receive the Finance Report, including payments recommended for approval, bank reconciliation, and the receipts and payments report for the previous month. Copies of the reports provided separately.

Approval for the following payments was sought:

Memorial Hall second quarterly grant payment £3,000.00
RBS Software Solutions – Omega Software maintenance and telephone support £210.00
Fountains – Emptying of Dog Bins for June £72.00
Fountains - Emptying of Dog Bins for July £72.00
STS Ltd (Gavin Hunt) – repairs to play station in Church Walk play area £2,150.00
(invoice total £2950.00 minus deposit of £800.00 already paid)

Tom Vowles – village orderly – wages for September £104.00
Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly – wages for August £108.00
Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly – wages for September £108.00
Clerk’s salary September – to be calculated
Assistant Clerk’s salary September (including overtime as approved at Parish Council Meeting 27.07.11) – to be calculated

Assistant Clerk – reimbursement for purchases made:- Tippex (£2.25), £86.87
laminating pouches (£22.99), padlock for allotment (£17.69),
chain for allotment (£5.85), postage (£29.07) and travel to noticeboards (£9.02)

Cllr Taylor proposed approval of the payments and Cllr Robinson seconded the mtion.
Resolved: To grant approval for the payments.

10. To receive and consider reports from;

a. District Councillor, Cllr Yamanaka. This was received..

b. NE Ward report, Cllr Turton. Cllr Turton had not provided a written report this month due to holiday. Cllr Turton requested Members send her any items they would like to consider to be included in the meeting with Bristol airport on 17th October. Items would need to be received by October 7th.

c. WVMP report, Cllr Robinson. Cllr Robinson wished to seek approval from the Council to submit a letter to the Weston Mercury in relation to the proposed Medcentres development and surgery relocation to Pudding Pie Lane.

Resolved: Cllr Robinson to draft a letter for submission to the Weston Mercury by the 10 October.

11. To receive and consider reports from Working Groups:

a. Finance, Cllr Rawlins. This was received.

b. Environment, Cllr Bigg. Cllr Bigg gave a verbal report on the last Environment Group meeting. Ken Moss from the Environment agency had met with the Group and had reported that the stream has been surveyed but no report will be available until March. The Agency is building up a file on historical flooding events in the village and has supplied a questionnaire which has been made available at various locations around the village.

c. Highways, Cllr Ledbury. The report was received.

Parish Voice
Resolved: Clerk to contact Leo Taylor requesting feedback from the questions raised at the Parish Voice session held 8 September.

Weeds and street cleaning
Mark MacGregor to talk to John Carson, NSC concerning the weed killing and street cleaning schedule for Wrington and to ask him to contact the Clerk about these issues.

12. To consider and approve the following recommendations from Working Groups:

a. To approve the purchase of a new computer for the Parish Office, with a budget of £500 to include purchase of Outlook software, which is not currently installed.

Resolved: To approve the purchase as recommended by the Finance Group.

b. To approve the request for a small fridge, not exceeding £100 in price, to be installed in the Cyber room for staff use.

Resolved: To approve the request but Cllr Ledbury may have a spare small fridge to donate. Cllr Ledbury to let the Clerk know.

c. To approve the recommendation to install a new fence and gate on the North-side of the allotments to match the recently installed South-side fence and gate. It has been established that the land on the North side is owned by the Parish Council. Cost to be advised.

Resolved: To approve the recommendation. The Clerk to obtain quotes.

d. To approve the recommendation that the Cyber room décor be considered for updating and that a working party be set up and requested to submit proposals.

Resolved: To approve the recommendation and to set up a working party comprising Cllrs Howells, Ledbury and Taylor.

e. To consider a recommended response to NSC’s Supported Bus Services consultation.

Resolved: Cllrs to email any further suggestions to the current draft to the Clerk by Friday 30th September, when the response will be submitted to NSC.

13. To consider renewal of the lease for the Glebe Field, including the Church Walk Play Area. A twenty (20) year lease has been proposed at a cost of £400pa, with first year surveyor and legal charges estimated at up to £1350.

Resolved: To accept the renewal terms of the lease and proceed to confirm agreement with the Diocese.

14. To consider recent complaints forwarded by the Memorial Hall Committee concerning late night disturbances from the Sports and Social Club and to discuss any further action required.

It was agreed that more specific details of dates and times of the disturbances would be needed to verify the claims but the Council would in any case wish to review the current agreement with the Sports and Social Club.

Resolved: Clerk to write to the Sports and Social Club requesting a copy of the agreement they have with their existing tenant.

15. To consider any comments the Council would wish to submit to ALCA’s AGM, to be held on 13 October. Comments need to be submitted by 30 September 2011.

There were no comments to submit. Cllr Glynn to attend the meeting.

16. To consider nomination of the Recreation Ground for inclusion in the Queen Elizabeth Field’s Challenge, enabling the land to be protected from future development and providing access to possible funding opportunities.

Resolved: Agreed, with Cllr Howells to prepare the application details and form.

17. To confirm the date of the 2012 Annual Parish Meeting. Proposed date, 25 April 2012.

This was agreed.

18. Items raised for information and for possible consideration at the next meeting, to be held Wednesday, 28 September 2011. Proposed:

· To consider nominations for the remaining vacancy as a Parish Council representative on the Memorial Hall & Recreation Field Committee.

· To consider the potential installation of photo-voltaic (PV) panels on the Memorial Hall roof in relation to the Brook House S106 agreement.

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 9.50pm.

David Glynn