Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 27th April, 2011


1. Apologies:
Ms E. P. Irving, Chair
Mr M. Berkley (from 8.50pm)
Mrs G. J. Bigg (from 7.45pm)
Mr D. W. Glynn
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mr J. Rawlins
P. Robinson
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Mrs F. Burke, Clerk
Mrs C. Turton

In attendance: Mrs Pippa Chambers, Weston & Somerset Mercury
2. Declaration of Members’ Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3. Public Participation

There was no public participation.

Cllr Glynn gave a short speech thanking Cllr Irving for all of her work as Chairwoman to the Council for the last 4 years and as a Councillor for the last 24 years. Cllr Glynn presented Cllr Irving with flowers and a gift from the Council.

Cllr Glynn also wished to thank Cllr Phillips, Cllr Moss and Cllr Berkley as they were all now standing down as Councillors.

4. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 23rd March were reviewed and signed as a true record after two minor corrections on spelling were made and an amendment made to a sentence under the finance working group. The correct sentence should read: ‘The main reason being that 53 houses had been removed from Wrington Parish because of boundary changes in Downside last year’ and not ‘added’.

5. Correspondence

a. Letter from Liam Fox to Stephen Harrison. The Clerk reported that a reply from Stephen Harrison had not yet been received.

Resolved: to contact Ione Douglas, PA to Liam Fox, to enquire if a reply had been received by Liam Fox and if so to ask for a copy.

b. Letter from CPRE re: Avonside Village of the Year Competition.

Resolved: Cllr Irving to help prepare the written entry for the competition.

c. Letter from Churchill Community School re: resolution to apply for Churchill to convert to Academy Status. This was noted

d. NALC conference, 15th June.

Resolved: Cllr Glynn and Cllr Bigg would attend.

6. Reports

Police report: No police report had been received.

b. Clerk’s Report: this had been received previously. The report is available for inspection in the minute book.

Request for further grit bins in Winters Lane
Resolved: The Council do not feel able to provide any more grit bins at the moment.
Action: Clerk to contact the resident who made the request for further grit bins in Winters Lane.

Footpath between Ladywell and Alburys – complaint about the state of the surface due to the path being used to lead a horse to the adjacent field.

Resolved: The Council do not feel the path needs to have new stones put down as NSC have confirmed that it is currently not in a bad state of repair or showing signs of unusually muddied areas.

Action: Clerk to write to the resident who made the complaint.

Church Walk Play area
Resolved: To accept the quote supplied to refurbish the current maxi-play unit and to go ahead with the work.
Action: Clerk to put a proposal together for extra pieces to be added to the maxi-play unit and one other item for the park.

Financial Report:

Financial Report and accounts for December (circulated previously): these were received. The report is available for inspection in the minute book.

Bank signatories
Resolved: To add Cllr Rawlins as signatory to the Parish Council current account and Parish Trust account.

The following accounts for payment were approved:

Aon Ltd – annual insurance premium £2,407.90
Fountains – Dog Bins (February) £57.60
Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly – wages for March £108.00
Tom Vowles – village orderly – wages for April £104.00
Clerk’s salary April – to be calculated
Admin assistant salary April – to be calculated
Clerk – reimbursement for travel to course & newsletter collection £29.45
Admin assistant-reimbursement for travel & sundry expenses £38.64
Admin assistant – reimbursement for postage for newsletter £92.00
Gabrielle Wilson – reimbursement for coffee and biscuits for APM £8.31
Cyber reading room for use of projector for APM 2010 &11 £20
Tower appeal £500
Redhill Hall grant £3,200
SEC (quarterly maintenance) £766.19
Foremost signs Ltd £86.40
Portrayal Limited £4.78
Mr P Kinsman (Twinning leaflet) £100.00

c. District Councillor’s Report: Cllr Yamanaka had circulated a report prior to the meeting and this was received. Various points were discussed:

Cul-de-sac sign on The Triangle – suggestion to put the sign higher so more visible

Resolved: No action to be taken as Councillors felt it would not change the current situation of cars using the Triangle for turning round.

Request for yellow lines on the road near the vets
Resolved: No action

Request to put WPC reports in the Chew Valley gazette
Resolved: Clerk to send in approved minutes to the gazette.

Request from a Downside Rd resident for a roundabout at the A38/Downside Rd junction rather than traffic lights
Resolved: The Council will bear this in mind but it is not in the current NSC plan.

d. NE Ward Report: No report had been circulated for the meeting due to illness.

Cllr Glynn reported that he had attended the airport consultative committee meeting on behalf of Cllr Turton. The next meeting between the PC and Bristol International airport has been arranged for Monday 13th June, 5pm, at the airport.

e. WVMP Report: Cllr Robinson reported that as far as he was aware no movement had been made regarding applying for planning permission for the new surgery at Pudding Pie Lane.

Cllr Robinson gave the Clerk a copy of comments he had made to the PCT regarding the new surgery for Cllrs to look at if they wanted.

7. Working Groups

a. Finance: Cllr Rawlins had circulated the report previously.

The Clerk reported that the allotment fence had now been completed, with just a new chain and padlock to buy. Cllr Irving requested that some serious thought be put into installing a CCTV camera at the site.

Action: Clerk to look into CCTV camera prices.

b. Environment: Cllr Bigg apologised for not providing a report prior to the meeting. Cllr Bigg reported to Members that John Inman had informed her that the funding application had not been accepted.

The next meeting has been arranged for 24th May, 4pm.

c. Highways: No meeting had taken place this month. Cllr Ledbury reported that there are still a considerable amount of potholes that need patching, including particularly bad ones in Havyatt Road.

Action: Clerk to report potholes to NSC.

8. Parish Voice: to consider sending a representative to Parish Voice on 25th May re: A38 speed limits.

Resolved: To ask a question at Parish Voice relating to the regular Nates Lane flooding, the absence of any mention of this on NSC's records of flooding incidents and the resulting direct impacts on A38 traffic safety. This would provide the opportunity to raise the speed limit review, query the status and suggest that a more realistic approach would be to reduce the speed limit at this junction, erect warning signs and certainly not to increase the speed limit. Cllr Glynn to draft the question.

9. Playbuilder scheme update and to agree the positioning of the zip wire in the Rec.

Resolved: To accept the proposed layout of the zipwire alongside the Southern end of the football pitch

10 Open Forum

Cllr Irving wished to propose that next year’s Annual Parish Meeting be held on a date further away from the Easter weekend to improve attendance.

Cllr Robinson informed Members that he would be out of action for 6-8 weeks due to his forthcoming operation.

Cllr Berkley wished to apologise for his absences at the last few Parish Council meetings and to thank Cllr Irving for all of her work as Chair.

Cllr Phillips wished to thank all Council Members for their support.

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 9.20pm.
