Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 24th March, 2010


1. Apologies:
Ms E. P. Irving, Chair
Mrs .J Gallop, Vice-Chair 
Mrs G. J. Bigg (left at 8.23pm)
Mr D. W. Glynn
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs G. Moss
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mr P. Robinson
Mrs C. Turton
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Mrs G. Wilson,
PC Kim Tacchi
PCSO Yvette Jordan

In attendance: Mr M MacGregor (Parish Liaison Officer)
Mrs Gail Smith, Play Development Strategy Manager, NSC
Mr John Adams
2. Declaration of Members Interests

None on known agenda items.

3. Public Participation

Ms Gail Smith explained that the Playbuilder Scheme is now starting its second year and Wrington Parish has the opportunity to receive funding of around £30,000 to redevelop play areas in the Parish. The funding is provided by the Department for Children and Schools (DCSF) and support is provided by Gail Smith’s team to ensure that appropriate facilities are created. The target age group is 8 – 14, and the emphasis is on healthy play in a natural environment and using natural resources.

The project was welcomed by members and it was agreed in principle that a group should be set up to take the project forward. It is important that young people from the target age group are involved in the process, and names of contacts will be provided to start the process.

Gail Smith thanked the Council, and left the meeting at this point.

4. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 24th February were reviewed and signed as a true record.

5. Correspondence

a. Letter from Jean-Paul Gallonnier, Mayor of Villeneuve-lès-Béziers, regarding twinning proposals. Cllr Irving introduced Mr John Adams, who had expressed interest in the proposal. Mr Adams explained that he lives in Butcombe, is now retired, and quite frequently visits the area of France where Villeneuve-lès-Béziers is located. He would be prepared to make contact with the relevant people on his next visit, on behalf of the Parish Council, and assess the potential for a twinning arrangement. Although he felt that the two locations are rather different, he nevertheless believed there could be potential for common social, cultural and business interests. It was agreed that Mr Adams should pursue this line of enquiry, and report back to the Parish Council after his next visit in May. Cllr Irving thanked Mr Adams for his help, and he left the meeting at this point.

b. Letter from National Grid: further consideration is being given to the link up between Hinkley Point C and Avonmouth; they will contact the Council again when they have further information.

c. Email from Mr Mike Littleton at Bristol Airport, with details of the enhanced Flyer bus service.

d. Letter from Mrs Jane Telling, thanking the Parish Council for installing the new barrier on Old Hill.

e. CPRE: details of the Village of the Year Competition, with a letter inviting the Council to enter – this was agreed. Mr Jeremy Birkett will be approached to see if he is prepared to assist with this again, although there is some doubt as to whether he will be able to.

f. Avon & Somerset Constabulary: details of Partners and Communities together (PACT), with proposal to hold a joint meeting with Congresbury and Cleeve Parishes. It was agreed to await further information which will be available at the Annual Parish Meeting in April.

g. Letter from Avon Youth Association stating that they would not be receiving a grant from North Somerset Council for the next financial year, as this had been cut. This means there will be a shortfall of £4,000, and they wished to discuss a possible solution with the Parish Council. Members felt that as the budget for 2010/2011 had been set some months ago, it would not be possible to meet the shortfall out of Parish Council funds. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the Director, Ian Anderson, to discuss how the Council might work with the AYA to overcome the problem.

6. Reports

a. Police report: a report containing details of five incidents was circulated and reviewed.

b. Clerks Report (circulated previously): this was received. The Clerk reported that she had met with NSC Area Officer, Fay Powell, earlier in the day to look at road repairs in particular. Two large potholes have now been filled in Kings Road, and some, but not all, on Half Yard.

Financial Report and accounts for February (circulated previously): these were received. The Clerk stated that there would be sufficient funds remaining at the end of the financial year to replace five or six of the old street lights, as planned, with the remainder being funded from the 2010/2011 budget.

The following accounts for payment were approved:

Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly – March £108.00
Elsbeth Wrest – village orderly – half year £624.00
Local Councils Update - annual subscription £70.00
Avon Youth Association – 3rd & 4th quarter £2,000.00
Wrington Memorial Hall – grant 4th instalment £3,000.00
Felton Village Hall – annual grant £800.00
North Somerset Council – Old Hill barrier £700.00
Langford History Group – Rocque maps donation £200.00
Connaught – dog bins £55.00
EDF Energy – street lighting 4th quarter £1364.47
SEC Ltd – street lighting maintenance 4th quarter £734.26
Portrayal Ltd – photocopies £15.23
Clerk’s expenses 4th quarter - to be calculated - approx. £50.00
HMRC – 4th quarter – to be calculated – approx. £1035.00
Clerk’s salary March – to be calculated

c. District Councillors Report: Cllr Yamanaka had circulated a report prior to the meeting and this was received. In addition, Cllr Yamanaka said that Sport England were objecting to the loss of the school playing field at St. Katharine’s School when it is closed later this year. Cllr Glynn raised the question of whether compensatory facilities should be provided within the North East Ward. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the relevant officer at NSC to obtain further details.

9. Rickyard Road Section 106 agreement

It was agreed to take this item next, as Mr Mark MacGregor needed to leave the meeting before the end and felt that he may be able to contribute to this item. The Clerk had asked for clarification by NSC officers that Section 106 funds for recreational facilities would be additional to the funding for the Playbuilder Scheme.

Mark MacGregor confirmed this was his understanding, and agreed to send a copy of the Section 106 agreement to the Clerk. He suggested contacting Ros Williams at NSC for further assistance.

It was agreed that there would be an agenda item for the next meeting to determine how the Parish Council would like the funds to be used. Cllr Moss asked whether the money could be used to purchase a piece of land, and Cllr Yamanaka commented that she could see no objection to this.

Cllr Ledbury asked how Section 106 funds were set – was there a formula? Cllr Glynn said that it depended on the type of development. For example, a development where children could be expected to live might generate funds towards education.

6. Reports (continued)

d. North East Ward Report: Cllr Turton reported that a number of residents continued to be concerned about traffic and road safety issues on Downside Road, and the fact that the conditions for the airport planning application did not address these. She was therefore encouraging residents to write to NSC about this, and would also like the Parish Council to request a copy of the Section 106 agreement. The issue of traffic calming measures is to be the subject of the next ‘Parish Voice’. She had attended a PCAA meeting the previous evening and there would be an Environmental Effects Working Party meeting in two weeks’ time, where she hoped to ask the airport management what they proposed to do to benefit the local community to offset the effects of expansion.

Cllr Glynn said that he had proposed to Mr Mike Littleton that regular meetings with Wrington Parish Council should be revived and it was hoped that such a meeting could be arranged next month.

e. Wrington Vale Medical Practice Consultation

Cllr Robinson reported that a business case group is now being formed to draw up business cases for the various options. There will need to be at least two genuine business cases for consideration. He felt that the Pudding Pie Lane site was now less favoured, and suggested that the Parish Council might contact Churchill Parish Council to point out that a single site surgery might not be within Churchill Parish. It was agreed that an informal approach would be made by Cllr Irving.

Cllr Robinson asked that a letter be sent to the PCT giving clearance to use the Parish Council’s comments in further meetings, as they would otherwise be treated as confidential. The Clerk said she would write a letter accordingly.

7. Working Groups

a. Finance: Cllr Gallop reported that the Council’s contract for provision of electricity for street lighting would expire on 31st March and a quote of 13.35p/Kwh had been provided by the existing supplier, EDF Energy. The Clerk had been seeking prices from alternative suppliers, and had been quoted 9.42p/Kwh by Haven Power for a one year contract. The terms of the contract had been perused and it appeared there was potential for significant savings. It was therefore agreed to change to Haven Power as the provider.

Details had now been received from the Dickensian Fair committee of the contribution to costs that they were requesting from the Parish Council. This information will be considered by the Finance Group and a recommendation made to the next Parish Council meeting.

b. Environment: it was noted that a further meeting had been held with John Inman, NSC Principal Drainage Engineer, on 15th March. Mr Inman had now provided a copy of the inspection of the drainage pipe under Silver Street, and this had been passed to Cllr Bigg.

b. Highways: Cllr Glynn had circulated a written report and this was noted. A number of issues in the North East Ward required attention and these will be taken up with NSC. A meeting will also be set up with Frank Cox of NSC to discuss local highways issues, with particular reference to Downside Road.

8. Employment of New Clerk

Cllr Irving reported that four candidates had now been interviewed. The interviewing panel had consisted of herself, Cllr Glynn, Cllr Cowgill and the Clerk. All candidates had been of a good standard; however it was unanimously felt that Mrs Fiona Burke should be appointed to the post and she was therefore recommending this to the Council. It was agreed that Mrs Burke should be offered the post and it was hoped that a start date in early April could be arranged.

9. Rickyard Road Section 106 agreement

This item had been dealt with earlier in the meeting.

10. NSC Parish Charter

The Clerk reported that a draft Parish Charter had now been circulated by the working group set up by North Somerset Council. The function of the Charter was to set out parameters for NSC working in partnership with Town and Parish Councils. It was agreed that the Clerk would circulate copies to members for comments. The closing date for a response to NSC is 31st May.

11. Street Lighting

The issue of an electricity provider had been dealt with under the Finance Group report. Cllr Gallop asked members whether they would wish the new lights to have ‘part-night cells’ so that the lights would go out between 12 midnight and 5.00 am. There were varied views on this issue, and it was put to a vote, with four members voting in favour of the part-night cells, and five against. The lights will therefore be ordered accordingly.

12. Annual Newsletter

The Clerk reported that all but one of the articles for the newsletter had now been passed to Cllr Berkley for editing, and the final one is also ready to be sent. She suggested that the final copy should be provided to the printers by 31st March. Cllr Glynn confirmed that the final proof of the Parish Plan is currently with the printers and it is therefore hoped that both items can be printed by the week after Easter, allowing for delivery around the 10th and 11th April.

13. Annual Parish Meeting

The final programme of speakers, in addition to the formal business, was confirmed as: Avon Youth Association, the new Police Sergeant from Clevedon, John Inman to provide an update on drainage work, and Vince Russett, County Archaeologist, on the Rocque Maps restoration project.

14. Open Forum

* Cllr Irving said it had been brought to her attention that parking by non-residents in Hannah More Close was causing difficulties of access, and that there were possibly an abandoned car and caravan there. The Clerk will look into this and ask North Somerset Housing to restrict parking to residents only.

* Cllr Gallop noted that the pavement along West Hay Road was becoming overgrown with brambles. The Clerk confirmed that it was the landowner’s responsibility to keep this clear.

* Cllr Turton asked whether ‘public participation’ could be restricted to fifteen minutes at meetings to avoid late finishing. Cllr Irving said this was normally the aim, but unfortunately at this meeting there had been two speakers.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed 10.32 pm.

Echo Irving