Broad Street Wrington
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 17th October, 2007

Ms E P Irving
Mrs J Gallop
Mr M Berkley
Mrs G J Bigg
Mr P Ellis
Mr D W Glynn
Mrs S.L Dunn Morua
Mrs G Moss
Mrs C A Phillips,
Mr R L Thorn,
Mrs D J Yamanaka
Mrs G Wilson

In attendance:
Apologies:  Mrs P. Ledbury, Mr G A Matthews
P.C. K Tacchi - Community Police Officer
The Chairwoman opened the Meeting at 7.30 pm.

Declaration of Members’ Interests
None on known agenda items.

Public Participation

The Chairwoman welcomed Mr Jim Davis of The Children’s Society. Mr Davies outlined the work that his organisation is undertaking in rural areas to help young people engage with their communities. They have received some funding from DEFRA to assist in this project. Their particular area of expertise is in ‘community counselling’, where relationships between young people and their community have gone wrong and The Children’s Society can come in as an impartial element to advise and also provide training where necessary. They are able to provide this service free of charge up to the end of March 2008, but hope that new funding will become available to allow this work to continue. Mr Davis answered several questions posed by members. The Chairwoman thanked Mr Davis for his contribution.

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th August were adopted and signed with two minor amendments.


a. Police

A written report (circulated previously) was provided by Yvette Jordan, PCSO, who was unable to attend the meeting. It was noted that incidents of graffiti which occurred earlier in the summer at the Recreation Ground had been followed up and three young people have been cautioned as a result of this. It was also noted that willingness to clean up the graffiti had been expressed, and it was felt that this should be taken up. The Clerk is to contact the PCSO regarding this.

Cllr Glynn reported that at a meeting of the BIA Consultative Committee held earlier in the afternoon, it was stated that the airport now has its full complement of police officers, and that the senior officer would be willing to address a meeting of the Parish Council.

b. Clerk’s Report, Finance Report and Correspondence

The Clerk’s report (circulated previously) was received. It was noted that samples of wood finishes for the proposed new meeting tables had been obtained. However, after further discussion, several members expressed the view that the existing tables were adequate for the purpose for the time being. It was therefore agreed to defer replacement of the tables until later in the financial year when it would be clearer whether funds could be made available.

Additional issues arising since circulation of the Clerk’s report:

i. The Clerk had been approached by NSC regarding the possible replacement of the bench alongside the bus stop in Broad Street when the pavement is re-surfaced. Members felt that the bench may have been provided by the Fairs Committee some years ago, and that as a matter of courtesy they should be contacted. Members also queried what style of bench might be installed, and also whether the Parish Council would be expected to pay for it. The Clerk is to follow up these queries with our Area Officer at NSC. Cllr Thorn explained that coincidentally he had been contacted by relatives of the late Yvonne Cliff, a former long term resident of Wrington, who wished to donate a bench in her memory. Some members felt that there may be more appropriate locations for such a bench, for example in the Glebe Field. It was agreed that Cllr Thorn would respond positively to the offer, and the matter would be further discussed at the next meeting.

ii. It was noted that the Clerk will attend a series of two training courses organised by Somerset Association of Local Councils.

iii. The next Town and Parish Council Development Workshop is to be held on 8th November by NSC. It was agreed that five councillors will attend, in addition to the Clerk.

iv. Details of the South West Regional Conference of the Society of Local Council Clerks on 7th December were circulated. The Clerk asked that any councillors interested in attending should let her know.

v. It was noted that a copy of the Licence to Trade in relation to the bar at the Sports and Social Club had now been provided.

The Finance Report was received without comment.

FINANCE REPORT 19th September - 17th October, 2007


Wrington Friendship Club
G Wilson - salary
T Yearsley – gratuity
Connaught Environmental
Uphill Building Contractors (resurfacing at The Dring)
E Wrest (Village Orderly – half-year)
EDF – street lighting July-Sept
SEC Ltd (street light maintenance, 2nd quarter)
SEC Ltd (replacement light – The Glebe)
Wessex Water
Chew Valley Gazette (Code of Conduct notice)

Bank Balances (as at 02.10.07)
Current Account
Business reserve
Capital reserve (28/09/07)


Budget 2007-8

VAT recovered



Open Spaces
Stationery, Tel, Postage
Section 137
Hall grants
Mobile Youth
Water rates

- -



i. A letter had been received from Mr John Rubidge of Wrington Residents’ Group suggesting that, in the light of the outcome of the Brook House enquiry, there should be some discussion between the group and the Parish Council as to how future issues of this kind should be handled. It was agreed to invite Mr Rubidge, plus two other members of the WRG to speak at the next Parish Council meeting.

ii. A request for financial support had been received from the Citizens Advice Bureau. It was agreed not to make a contribution.

iii. A letter had been received from the Wrington Dickensian Christmas Fair committee providing details of the event, to be held on 14th December, and a request for the Parish Council to provide a Christmas tree as in previous years. As this had been provided in the past by Cllr Clements, it was agreed that another source would need to be identified. Cllr Glynn offered to explore possibilities, and liaise with the Clerk.

c. Working Groups

i. Highways

A meeting is to take place on 23rd October, when it is hoped that Mr Phil Parker will make a presentation on ‘Shared Space’. Consideration will also be given to setting up a public meeting on the question of the proposed new link road.

ii. Airport

Cllr Yamanaka reported from a meeting of the BIA Consultative Committee had been held earlier in the afternoon. The planning application in relation to the proposed expansion would now be delayed until the first or second quarter of 2008 at the earliest, as the new Chief Executive is re-visiting the proposals. However, if there is no change to what is in the Master Plan there would be no need for further consultation. In the meantime, there continues to be growth in passenger numbers.

d. District Councillor’s report

This had been circulated previously, and covered proposed cuts in school transport, including transport to denominational schools, and the potential for fortnightly waste collections in future. Cllr Yamanaka highlighted the question of parking densities, as the leader of NSC is proposing that more parking places per household should be included in future developments than those set in the Replacement Local Plan. She suggested that the Parish Council should bear this in mind when considering planning applications with inadequate parking provision.

e. Avon Local Councils Association

Cllr Glynn reported that he had attended a meeting of the North Somerset Group of ALCA on 2nd October, when Cllr Bigg had presented a report from CPRE. There had also been presentations on community halls and the rural transport link ‘Dragon Flyer’ service. He had also attended the ALCA AGM on 13th October. It is likely that there will be a small increase in the annual subscription to ALCA of about £15, and although some aspects of the organisation’s effectiveness had been questioned at the meeting, he felt it was still worth being a member.


The consultation document on Pitch Requirements for Gypsies and Travellers in the South West was reviewed. Cllr Bigg commented that the number proposed seemed very high, and members felt that they would like to see a more balanced distribution across the whole region. It was agreed that Cllr Bigg would respond on behalf of the Parish Council, also making reference to the NERC Act.

Model Code of Conduct

The Clerk reported that all the requirements in relation to adoption of the Code of Conduct had now been complied with – the Standards Board for England have been informed, and notices have been placed in the local press. An item outlining the implications of the Code of Conduct will also appear in the November edition of the village journal.

Standing Orders

Cllr Thorn distributed a draft to the other members of the working group for further comment and discussion. Cllr Glynn will also circulate an electronic version.

Open Forum

* Cllr Moss mentioned that there had been fly-tipping in Mill Lane – the Clerk is aware of this and removal is in hand.

* Cllr Dunn Morua asked whether the Parish Council could write a letter of appreciation to Mrs D Telling regarding the enjoyment derived by the community from the access to Old Hill and the wildlife, etc, to be observed there. It was agreed that a letter should be sent.

* Cllr Glynn circulated information on the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 9.50 pm.

Ms E P Irving

Wrington Parish Council Meeting 17th October 2007 - Clerk’s Report

General housekeeping items since last meeting:

*Bench at Branches Cross repainted

*Fly-tipping of builder’s rubble at Mill Lane removed

*Removal of trees in stream adjacent to bridge in Mill Lane

*Clearance of overgrown vegetation, brambles, etc. at end of Old Station Close

*Repair to damaged multi-play at Church Walk play area.

*Repairs still awaited for four street signs – this has been chased up

*New lamp standard installed at The Glebe

Ongoing issues:

Footpath 30/5 (Two Rivers Way) – the Rights of Way Officer at NSC has tried on numerous occasions to contact the landowner by telephone, but he is not responding. Rights of Way Officer is now to call on the landowner in person to try to establish contact.

John Locke Room:

* Outer door has now been repaired and re-painted and a letterbox installed

* A nameplate for the outside wall has been ordered.

* Replacement of existing meeting tables with a modular system – samples of wood finishes obtained – decision required on preferred finish, also disposal of existing table.

* Installation of cupboard/shelves in alcove next to fireplace – to be progressed.

Village Orderly:

A second Village Orderly is required – advertisements have been placed on the parish noticeboards, in the Post Office and the Wrington Journal.


The AGM of the Allotments Association takes place on 16th October, which the Clerk will attend. There is an issue with the waiting list for allotments being very long, and a number of allotments appearing to be uncultivated. Also some plots are very large and would lend themselves to being divided up. The Clerk is to meet with the Chairman of the Allotments Association to identify plots and aim to reduce the waiting list.

For information:
* Repairs of Langford Brook retaining wall to be carried out 20th – 28th October

* Parish Councils Airport Association – Wrington Parish Council is a member of PCAA; our subscription of £50 was paid on 16.05.07.