Broad Street Wrington Website
Page 7

Photographic record of an installation of
Ice Sculptures in All Saints' Church, Wrington by Julie Marshall
on the evening of Friday, 14th April, 2000

Julie Marshall & Jacquie Walker

Ice Sculptures

On the evening of 14th April, from 8.30pm, Julie Marshall mounted an installation of ice candles and meditative music, assisted by Jacqui Walker

ice sculpture

Ice sculptures in pews
Ice sculpture and audience People came and went during the evening, sitting for periods from a quarter of an hour to well over an hour. At times there were over 60 people around the church
As well as the music, extracts of poetry were presented on an explanatory sheet:

Ice sculpture and audience
Ice sculpture near chancel

"At the still point of the turning world"


"Be still

Hold the present moment

Be aware of time passing:

the here and now ...

The present passing moment"
Ice sculptures close up

Ice sculpture by south door