Broad Street

All Saints', Wrington 
Noël's last Sunday

Certain objects - a table groaning under a mountain of food, a superbly decorated cake - point to the purpose which filled the Memorial Hall from 12noon on Sunday, 23rd March, 2003.

The 'beanfeast' followed the last celebration of the 9.30 sung eucharist by No
ël Hector as rector of All Saints'.
But, before the partying got under way, the necessary preliminaries ...
... two heartfelt sets of tributes from the churchwardens, Jackie Walker and David Parkes, whose words of appreciation and love clearly touched a chord with many of those present ..
... and Noël also received some more tangible expressions of the congregation's esteem in the form of a painting of the church by local artist, C. Marsden-Smedley, and a cheque towards furniture for his new home.
Then, indeed, those present could fall upon the 'American supper'-style feast ...
... and Noël circulate to make his individual farewells